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Emergency rescue! We need your help!

Believe it or not, this story is true. Meet Spaghetti, a nine-month-old English Bulldog who just came dangerously close to losing his life.

Spaghetti was in the yard while someone was mowing the lawn, and his face was run over by the mower. His face. Was. Run. Over. By. A. Lawnmower.

Spaghetti suffered a horrific and painful injury, a completely displaced broken jaw. His teeth are literally on the opposite side of his mouth, and it is twisted, dangling, and bleeding profusely.

Luckily, the kind people at Veterinary Emergency Group Paramus reached out for help, and saved this gorgeous puppy from being euthanized. After X-rays were done, it was decided that we would transfer Spaghetti to our friends at Blue Pearl Vet Paramus, where our skilled dental surgeon had repaired our Suzie’s jaw recently.

Once again, we opted for the more expensive option, a total repair, versus just removing the mandible. This will give this happy young puppy the best chance at a normal life.

 Spaghetti is on pain meds and supportive care while awaiting surgery.  Despite this trauma, this young pup is stoic and so friendly.  We can't imagine how this injury feels to him.

 Now we desperately need your support. We have continued to come to the rescue for so many, but we are still paying down the bills from multiple recent successful surgeries and rescues.

 This dog is a BABY. He has so much life ahead of him. Let’s give him this chance.


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